• Load passage for a rough contact on a granular mass and illustration of the maximum shear stress

    Load passage for a rough contact on a granular mass and illustration of the maximum shear stress

  • Textured cylinder-liner surface

    Textured cylinder-liner surface

  • Silent wheel: Identification and control

    Silent wheel: Identification and control

  • Efficient multigrid FE solver

    Efficient multigrid FE solver

  • Stress at the root of a spiral bevel gear

    Stress at the root of a spiral bevel gear

  • Study of losses in transmission belts

    Study of losses in transmission belts

  • Rotor demonstrator on PMA

    Rotor demonstrator on PMA

  • Active control of embedded electronic cards

    Active control of embedded electronic cards

  • Diagnostic and monitoring of rotating parts in vehicles

    Diagnostic and monitoring of rotating parts in vehicles

  • Boundary layer in an EHL contact

    Boundary layer in an EHL contact

  • Distributed piezoelectric sensors for boundary forces measurements

    Distributed piezoelectric sensors for boundary forces measurements

  • Adhesive contact

    Adhesive contact

  • Original electrical application architecture with strong electro-magnetic-mechanical coupling (© Leroy-Somer)

    Original electrical application architecture with strong electro-magnetic-mechanical coupling (© Leroy-Somer)

  • Hybrid vibration control

    Hybrid vibration control

  • Tribological study of a bolted interface subjected to vibration: micro-slip and micro-detachment measured by image correlation

    Tribological study of a bolted interface subjected to vibration: micro-slip and micro-detachment measured by image correlation

  • Shear angles during thermoforming of thermoplastic prepregs Experimental-simulation comparisons

    Shear angles during thermoforming of thermoplastic prepregs Experimental-simulation comparisons

  • Optimisation of the shape and position of the ribs of an aircraft wing loaded in bending at constant mass. Compliance reduced by 80%

    Optimisation of the shape and position of the ribs of an aircraft wing loaded in bending at constant mass. Compliance reduced by 80%

  • Mesoscopic analysis of the compaction of a 3D reinforcement Experimental-simulation comparisons

    Mesoscopic analysis of the compaction of a 3D reinforcement Experimental-simulation comparisons

  • Numerical prediction of flow through a spur gear (Marchesse et al. 2015)

    Numerical prediction of flow through a spur gear (Marchesse et al. 2015)

  • Flange roller-end contact: numerical (FEM) vs experimental (interferometry) values of the lubricant film thickness (Trybogyr)

    Flange roller-end contact: numerical (FEM) vs experimental (interferometry) values of the lubricant film thickness (Trybogyr)

  • Elasto-Visco-Plastic Buckling of Thick Shell [Jacquet et al. 2021]

    Elasto-Visco-Plastic Buckling of Thick Shell [Jacquet et al. 2021]

  • Nonlinear vibrations of M/NEMS resonant sensors

    Nonlinear vibrations of M/NEMS resonant sensors

  • Tactile perception

    Tactile perception

  • Control of rotating machinery supported by Active Magnetic Bearings (AMB)

    Control of rotating machinery supported by Active Magnetic Bearings (AMB)

  • Rotating machine on active magnetic bearings

    Rotating machine on active magnetic bearings

  • Pressure perturbations due to an indent crossing a contact

    Pressure perturbations due to an indent crossing a contact

  • Example of a multiparametric digital twin for welding (PhD by Y. LU, AREVA-SAFRAN-LAMCOS Chair)

    Example of a multiparametric digital twin for welding (PhD by Y. LU, AREVA-SAFRAN-LAMCOS Chair)

  • Finite element simulation of the ballooning of a Zircaloy-4 sheath under conditions simulating a LOCA. Several physics involved, including elasto-v...

    Finite element simulation of the ballooning of a Zircaloy-4 sheath under conditions simulating a LOCA. Several physics involved, including elasto-v...

  • 3D discrete simulation of wear flow in dry contact

    3D discrete simulation of wear flow in dry contact

  • Multiscale topological optimisation (PhD by T.Djourachkovitch)

    Multiscale topological optimisation (PhD by T.Djourachkovitch)

  • Velocity vectors in a carotid artery in healthy and pathological cases

    Velocity vectors in a carotid artery in healthy and pathological cases

  • Simulation of rolling contact on an elastic-plastic heterogeneous mass

    Simulation of rolling contact on an elastic-plastic heterogeneous mass

  • Thermal memory effect

    Thermal memory effect

  • Equivalent stress field generated by a rolling contact on a heterogeneous viscoelastic mass

    Equivalent stress field generated by a rolling contact on a heterogeneous viscoelastic mass

  • Hybrid vibration control

    Hybrid vibration control

  • 2dof electromagnetic generator for railway applications

    2dof electromagnetic generator for railway applications

  • Explicit-implicit co-simulation (Zebulon / Europlexus)

    Explicit-implicit co-simulation (Zebulon / Europlexus)

  • Multiscale topological optimisation (PhD by T.Djourachkovitch)

    Multiscale topological optimisation (PhD by T.Djourachkovitch)

  • Molecular Dynamics simulation of ZDDP effects on friction in nano-scale lubricated contacts

    Molecular Dynamics simulation of ZDDP effects on friction in nano-scale lubricated contacts

  • Pressure distribution between an oil control ring and a textured liner

    Pressure distribution between an oil control ring and a textured liner

  • Advanced Chebyshev expansion for identification on continuous structures

    Advanced Chebyshev expansion for identification on continuous structures

  • Explosion tests carried out at the DGA TN Tourris site

    Explosion tests carried out at the DGA TN Tourris site

  • Plane stresses in a part subjected to an explicit dynamic impact (source: Jean Di Stasio's Michelin CIFRE PhD)

    Plane stresses in a part subjected to an explicit dynamic impact (source: Jean Di Stasio's Michelin CIFRE PhD)

  • Lipid structures of synovial fluid in healthy and arterial cases

    Lipid structures of synovial fluid in healthy and arterial cases

  • Visco-elastic contact

    Visco-elastic contact

  • LaMCoS 's DataCenter

    LaMCoS 's DataCenter

  • 'Measurement' of pressure spike & lubricant rheology

    'Measurement' of pressure spike & lubricant rheology

  • Contact spalling

    Contact spalling

  • Phonons in a nanocomposite with different elastic contrasts simulated by Finite Elements

    Phonons in a nanocomposite with different elastic contrasts simulated by Finite Elements

  • Nonlinear dynamics of on-board structure equipped with elastomer mounts

    Nonlinear dynamics of on-board structure equipped with elastomer mounts

  • Monitoring of Rotating Machines in evolving and unstable environnement: Application to wind turbines

    Monitoring of Rotating Machines in evolving and unstable environnement: Application to wind turbines

  • Surface measured with roughness meter (Amplitude ~1 µm, surface size ~ 600 µm x 480 µm)

    Surface measured with roughness meter (Amplitude ~1 µm, surface size ~ 600 µm x 480 µm)

  • Understanding the early detection of bearing defects in non-stationary conditions

    Understanding the early detection of bearing defects in non-stationary conditions

  • Package drop test: forces on the protected object and energy distribution

    Package drop test: forces on the protected object and energy distribution

  • Validation of the hybrid modular model: Comparison of tooth pressure with an EF model for thin-walled gears (source: CIFRE Safran Helicopter Engine...

    Validation of the hybrid modular model: Comparison of tooth pressure with an EF model for thin-walled gears (source: CIFRE Safran Helicopter Engine...

  • Equipex Phare

    Equipex Phare

  • Deformations of the vascular structure under the effect of inserted tools (M. Menut PhD)

    Deformations of the vascular structure under the effect of inserted tools (M. Menut PhD)

  • Bio-tribology for the prevention, diagnosis and early treatment of pathologies

    Bio-tribology for the prevention, diagnosis and early treatment of pathologies