Contact and Structural Mechanics Laboratory - LaMCoS
Director : Daniel NELIAS
Joint Research Unit of INSA Lyon and CNRS, LaMCoS carries out research on understanding and controlling the behavior of mechanical structures and systems by studying their interfaces.
We innovate to improve understanding of fundamental phenomena to anticipate major societal challenges and respond to technological problems in the fields of Transport, Energy and Health. The work carried out in the laboratory is characterized by a very strong correlation between experimentation and modeling, multiphysical and multiscale approaches, as well as as developments of advanced methods in experimentation and numerical simulation.
Main axes
- Surfaces and interfaces, tribology
- Non-linear dynamics
- Vibration Control, Structural Monitoring, Energy Recovery
- Integrity of surfaces, solids and structures under extreme stress
- Formatting composites
- Numerical simulation of processes / innovative processes
- Mechanical and electromechanical transmissions
- Bioengineering
- 21 Profesors -Research Directors
34 Conference Masters - Researchers
26 Engineers and Technicians
85 PhD students
8 post-doctoral students
25 Associate Persons - 101 international publications by year on the last 5 years
- 102 conférences by year
- 1 patent by year
- Annual Amount of Contracts : 4,5 M€
Influence & Awards
The multi-thematic cross-skills of the LaMCoS allow :- to hold or to be partner of 4 industrial professorships (Michelin, Safran, SKF, Volvo),
- to be a partner of 1 industrial consortium (Cirtrans),
- to be a member of a Carnot Institute Ingénierie@Lyon,
- to be a member of 0 laboratory of excellence )
- to be a member of 4 common laboratories (AdViTam, Drillab, Matilde, OpenLab PSA),
- to be involved in equipment of excellence (Equipex Phare and Durasol)
- and participate in many national and European projects (ANR projects IRINA, Rupxcube, European project FibreMap, Phedyma ...).
- Int. Gear Conf. 2014, 2018
- JNRSE 2017, JJCAB, Survisnho 2019
- EuroEAP 2018, IWPMA 2019, ENOC 2020
- Leeds-Lyon, ACT, JTM
- and many others
This scientific excellence is recognized and distinguished as much among our young researchers than among our permanent researchers :
- 2024 : Gladys Peretti won an award at the last Leeds-Lyon Symposium
- 2024 : HIRN Prize 2024
- 2024 : AWARD from Jacob Wallenberg Foundation, supported by the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences and SKF, to Laetitia MARTINIE and Nicolas FILLOT
- 2022 : Attribution du prix des référents défense junior de l\'Association des Membres de l\'Ordre National du Mérite à Valentin MASSARDIER, ancien doctorant du LAMCOS
- 2022 : Raphaël Richert a reçu le prix de thèse \"Enjeux Sociétaux\" de l\'INSA de Lyon, sur l\'enjeu \"Santé globale et Bio-ingénierie\"
- 2021 : Anthony GRAVOUIL, lauréat du Prix ONERA-Sciences mécaniques pour l’aéronautique et l’aérospatial
- 2021 : Best paper award for Alexis Bonetto
- 2020 : Aline Bel-Brunon was awarded the Young Investigator award at the 2020 French Society of Biomechanics conference.