• LaMCoS in the spotlight

    • HIRN Prize 2024
      Alizée Bouchot-Madrignac, PhD INSA Lyon, has been awarded the Hirn 2024 prize for her thesis work on the quantitative identification of physical characteristics of solid interfaces correlated with tribological properties. Her thesis was carried out under the supervision of S. Descartes and G. Mollon (LaMCoS, INSA Lyon) and J. Debayle (LGF, Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne). This work has been funded by a public grant from the French National Research Agency (ANR) under the “France 2030″ investment plan (EUR MANUTECH SLEIGHT).

      The Hirn Prize is awarded each year by the tribology group of the French Mechanics Association (AFM) during the “Journées Internationales Francophones de Tribologie”, for the best doctoral thesis in tribology defended the previous year.
      Jeudi 16 Mai 2024 - Lors des 35èmes Journées Internationales Francophones de Tribologie, à l'Institut Pprime, Poitiers.

    • Paper in The Conversation experimental archaeology

      du Mercredi 05 Juin 2024 au Mardi 06 Août 2024

  • Conference, Seminar, Poster-session (co-)organised by the LaMCoS

    • Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology 2024 https://leeds-lyon2024.sciencesconf.org/
      Tribology for the future of mankind: feet on the ground, reaching for the stars

      Humanity is facing unprecedented challenges.

      On one hand, we have our eyes on the stars with plans for bases on the moon or even Mars. On the other hand, the environmental impact of human activities warns us to keep our feet firmly on the ground. If mechanics is the science of motion, tribology is the science that makes it possible. It is therefore clear that whatever the challenges, tribology will have its role to play. To cite two examples; the correct selection of space lubricants and bearing materials will make possible the deployment of solar panels for the International Space Station; and the imperative for e-mobility to reduce greenhouse gas emissions requires new developments in fatigue and efficiency for high-speed powertrains.

      The title of this symposium is also a reference to the two pillars of research: intuition and deduction, i.e. the audacity to propose innovative blue-sky ideas and the need to ground them in the reality of sound experiments.

      This 49th edition of Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology 2024 will be dedicated to all the fields of tribology that can contribute to meeting these new challenges: space tribology, bio-tribology, fatigue and wear, lubrication modelling, extreme conditions…

      The conference will be held in the peaceful venue of Valpré, near Lyon, from Monday, September 2nd to Wednesday, September 4th, 2024.
      du Dimanche 01 Septembre 2024 au Mercredi 04 Septembre 2024 - Valpré - Ecully

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