Extreme loads on different scales : Non-regular dynamics

Explosion tests carried out at the DGA TN Tourris site

Package drop test: forces on the protected object and energy distribution

Hexahedral finite elements
Time-Resolved Study of Mechanical Systems under Extreme Stress:
Transient mechanical and thermal responses.
Extreme high-frequency stress: impact, shock waves.
Extreme loads with high stresses: contact forces, buckling, fracturing.
- Mechanical response to impact :Phase Field Numerical Simulation Study
Tensile-shear transition for the failure of metal shell structures under explosion
- Warm-up and shock wave :Methodology: Numerical Simulation - Molecular Dynamics - Short Time Response ~ 1 ns - Analytical Study of Wave Scattering
Collaborations : ILM univ. Lyon 1 - CETHIL INSA - Ioffe Institut St Petersburg - Universidad de Chile
- Fast dynamics for non-regular impacts: Isogeometric analysis for explicit fast dynamicsMethodology: Explicit integrator in time - LR B-spline shape functions of high order and continuity - Local refinement of LR B-spline mesh
Collaboration : Altair
- Temporal Integrator in Contact DynamicsMethodology: Dynamic contact modelling - Asynchronous heterogeneous time integrator (multiscale in time) - Implicit/explicit co-simulation
Collaboration : Cetim - Michelin
- Mechanical response to impact :
- Warm-up and shock wave :
- Fast dynamics for non-regular impacts: Isogeometric analysis for explicit fast dynamics
- Temporal Integrator in Contact Dynamics