Research Team : Tribology and Interface Mechanics

The search for better control of the behaviour of interfaces in a contact is the main focus of the TMI team. As surfaces in contact become increasingly complex, many factors likely to affect the functionality of the contact (solid lubricants, ultra-thin films, coatings, biological tissues, etc.) must be taken into account. The approach used combines and confronts theoretical, experimental and numerical approaches with constant research of the interaction of phenomena taking place at different scales.

From a theoretical and numerical point of view, tribo-mechano-fidel models have been developed, translating the local and global behaviour of the contact and reflecting the rheology of the medium separating medium and its interaction with the surfaces. Predictive modelling of the tribological behaviour of the contact, for complex interfaces such as layers of solid particles, suspensions, (bio)polymer solutions, fats, biological tissues, etc. are developed.

From an experimental point of view, the team aims to assess friction and/or wear by monitoring and locally measuring characteristic quantities (velocity fields, pressure, stresses, deformation, temperature, thickness) inside the contact in operation by continuing to develop photonic techniques, electronic, acoustic and local probe techniques.

Manager : Aurélien SAULOT

  • Modélisation discrète 3D d'un débit d'usure dans un contact sec
  • Étude tribologique d'une interface boulonnée soumise à vibrations : microglissements et microdécollements mesurés par corrélations d'images
  • Contact collet-rouleau dans un roulement : comparaison expérimentale et numérique de de l'épaisseur de film lubrifiant (Tribogyr)
  • Molecular Dynamics simulation of ZDDP effects on friction in nano-scale lubricated contacts
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Thematics Axis

    Lubrification et rhéologie des lubrifiants :

    Tribologie des interfaces solides :

    Fluides complexes confinés :